It Could Have Been Worse

a bee sting & a bumper

✍️ Real Talk: It Could Have Been Worse

This week, I:

  • 🐿️ Woke up with a weird allergic reaction all over my face that made me look like a shedding chipmunk for most of the week

  • 🚗 Almost got into a 4 way traffic accident while trying to avoid a car bumper on the road on a left turn

  • 🐝 Got stung by a bee for the first time since I was like, 6 years old

And just when my face returned to it’s normal size yesterday…I proceeded to walk into a cabinet door in the kitchen last night which left a giant red dot in the middle of my forehead 😂

So…it’s been quite an life-threatening-filled week LOL BUT honestly it’s all a little comical, and a good reminder that: everything can always be worse. My family always says that when these kinds of things happen where you get a little…well, burned, the universe / God is saving you from something worse and bigger.

Here’s to surviving a week in LA / the world / the universe and trying to encounter less hazards next week 🚨

📈 One Thing I Learned This Week

Design your dream client with an Abundancy Mindset

I’m on Week 2 of my strategy trial with Growth Tools and we designed my dream client avatar. I’ve never done this before (I have done versions of it for eComm brands but in that case, I have never thought about who I’d Accept/Reject) and as I was talking to my strategist to refine my avatar, he reminded me that I can choose people and projects I pour my time and energy into, and say no to perspective clients too (‼️). As a kid of an immigrant, my default is definitely scarcity (I’ll work with anyone who will pay me) but it’s cool to have a white male mentor (lol) to remind me that I can find my dream clients and sustain myself.

Here’s the frameworkthrough which we archetyped my new client base for consulting and coaching.

Attract: These are best fit clients we want to attract more of!
Accept: These are good clients we’d gladly work with
Reject: These are people we can not help

📚 Currently Reading

 🔎 Spotlight

Due to trying to survive the week, I haven’t read/or tuned into much of anything this week! (And after realizing this, I’m renaming this section “Spotlight” for the rest of eternity). BUT, a few friends and I run a monthly IRL storytelling series that elevates marginalized voices in the LA area.

🔥Our next event is on August 20th at Village Well Books & Coffee at 6 pm! The theme is FIRE.

Come hang out, tell/listen to stories, and enjoy 10% off tix through this Sunday with code EARLYBIRDAUG

When was the last time you felt a fire under you? Or maybe a time when you were fiery with rage? Or perhaps, a time when you were feeling the flames of love? Or you gathered around a campfire and swapped stories? Fire can destroy or create. We want to hear your stories from the small fires that are easy to put out, that you need to get going, or the burning forest fires in your heart. Prepare a five-minute story that will leave us all burning for more (or less).

🔥 Want To Vent?

I got an overwhelming # of DMs from people who are going through career transitions since my post. Jobs can really suck…so if you want to chat, vent, work through a problem…whatever, grab 30 minutes of complimentary coaching with me. I’d love to listen, validate, and offer perspective.

✨ Pro Tip

If you find yourself getting stung by a bee any time soon, get the stinger out ASAP by swiping a credit card across it. The longer the stinger stays in —> the more venom releases. (I sat in my car and watched this happen bc I didn’t know what to do haha, which created quite a swollen mess on my hand) ✌️

Thanks for reading, have a great weekend ✨
