Posted & Feeling Awkies About It ✌️

i got laid off, start in the discomfort, barbie's world

✍️ Real Talk: I Got Laid Off

I got laid off recently. The first thing I thought was: “I failed again.” I was embarrassed, tired, and I didn’t want to tell anyone. I have felt oddly conscious of my career being in the “public eye” since I started my own business in 2016.

In my heart of hearts, I know no one gives a sh*t about my career LOL…but at the same time, being a brown girl in brown community, everyone’s always being OH-SO-NOSY about our life choices. And since this very same community has shown up for me time and time again as I launched my last business, I feel like I owe them. Like I owe them the success story I promised to become.

If that’s the case, why don’t I just go out and get another job? It should - on paper - be easy for someone like me. I’ve done all the “right” things: I got stellar grades, went to great schools, got the cushy finance job after I graduated…but then fast forward 10 years, and I in my last round of interviewing, I had ~60 informational/real interviews over 4 months before landing the job I just got laid off from.

There must be something wrong with me. Or maybe the corporate world just f*ckin sucks. 🍵

📈 One Thing I Learned This Week

When you don’t know where to start, start where you feel most uncomfortable.

I was so nervous to post this video on my Instagram today but since the moment I did, I have gotten non stop texts, DMs, emails, and phone calls asking what I need - and how people can support me.

This sent me into tears immediately because it’s from not only from someone whose work I tremendously respect, but also from a community member who bought products from my old brand, did a glowing review of them on her podcast, and then continued to purchase from us multiple times. I never would have thought that my last venture - in all its smallness - would give people a reason to believe in me in the future.

Today is one of those days where the learning isn’t something revolutionary about business or leadership or anything tangible; today’s learning is to face my fear by simply saying it out loud. And allowing people in to support me when sh*t hits the fan.

📚 Currently Reading

Welcome Home by Najwa Zebian - I just started this book that was recommended by a friend. It’s a little bit of a slow start, but I like the idea of it - a personal journey in which the author explores what it looks like to build your “home” within yourself, instead of in someone else. More updates on this next week (if I can get through another 10 pages without falling asleep)

The Barbie Brand Was Made For This Moment - Have you been getting lost in all the Barbie content? “Is it a social commentary? Is it a parody? Is it a straight-up comedy? Is it a hybrid of all these things?” - Marketing Brew.

The movie seems to transcend us to an era of 90s era perfection, but woke, maybe?

🔥 Want To Vent?

I got an overwhelming # of DMs from people who are going through career transitions. If you want to chat, vent, work through a problem…whatever, grab 30 minutes of complimentary coaching with me. I’d love to listen, validate, and offer perspective.

Thanks for reading, have a great weekend ✨
