I Object!

mixed signals in a small world

Back to a regular newsletter this week! It’s been a minute - so here’s a refresher. After a long stretch of working in finance and then startups, I am moving into the world of professional coaching. I’m partnering with Growth Tools to scale my business - and here - I’m sharing weekly insights from clients and life. Here goes!

📈 One Thing I Learned This Week

Handling Objections

Have you ever been on a sales call with a rep, and they won’t stop just…selling? Well, meet moi, your newest sales rep 😂 I’m already on Week 6 of Growth Tools and I’m learning how to do 1×1 discovery calls with potential clients. I’ve never done this kind of sales before…all my past experience is in online ads, in which case you don’t have to talk to anyone - you just design cool ads to convert people.

One thing that has been coming up over and over again: interest in 1×1 coaching followed by…the objections around why they can’t be coached right now. And the weird/cool thing about doing calls is that the feedback is immediate. Like in ads, you get a lot of data at once that you pour over and speculate about why people aren’t converting. In a 1×1 sales cycle, the feedback is in real time. The person on the other side of the call is both telling you why that want to work with you, and also why they absolutely can’t. Talk about mixed signals.

Some of the most common objections I’ve experienced over the past month are “Now’s not the right time” or “This is too expensive.”

So what do I do? I get curious. I ask them more about the problem they talked to me about. I ask them what their life might look like if they made it through this problem. I ask them why they reached out to me in the first place. I ask them if it weren’t for the money, would you want my help?

^^Usually what’s happens is that there are more and more objections…but with each Q&A, we get closer to the root of the problem. And I am getting tons of cool data in the meantime about both why people need coaching, and also what’s holding them back from committing to it.

How do you handle objections when you’re selling? Whether you’re negotiating with an employee, a vendor, talking to a customer, or even trying to convince a friend to go try a weird sushi restaurant they’re on the fence about it - what tactics do you use to handle objections professionally - and personally? Respond to this email directly - I’d love to hear your thoughts.

✍️ Real Talk: It’s A Small World, And I Love It

One of my favorite things about having lived in big cities is how small the world starts to feel after awhile - in the best way. In the transplant community, you’re always making intros to each other’s friends and after awhile, you’ve got a friend of a friend of a friend to catch up with no matter where you go in the world.

Currently traveling in the UK and Europe and meeting lots of friends and friends of friends. HMU with any (cool) intros that’ll make my world smaller!

  • Cyprus Sep 4 - 6

  • Brussels Sep 7 - 10

  • Berlin Sep 11 - 14

  • London Sep 15 - 16

 🔎 Spotlight

A friend gifted me Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times to read while on vacation. There’s some irony to reading about resting, isn’t there? But still. It’s been a nice read so far and a reminder that life comes in seasons, that summer can’t be eternal, and we all experience personal “winters” - a time to sleep, hibernate, clean, reset, rest, and recover. And not only is this normal, it’s absolutely necessary.

We’re not raised to recognise wintering or to acknowledge its inevitability. Instead, we tend to see it as a humiliation, something that should be hidden from view lest we shock the world too greatly. We put on a brave public face and grieve privately; we pretend not see other people’s pain. We treat each wintering as an embarrassing anomoly that should be hidden or ignored…Wintering brings about some of the most profound and insightful moments of our human experience, and wisdom resides in those who have wintered.

Katherine May, Wintering

🔥 Interested in leadership coaching?

Book a discovery call to share what’s on your mind. And then hit me with those objections - it’s good practice for me at the very least!

Thanks for reading, have a great weekend ✨
